
Numerology is known for digit How Digit  make their impact on life and how we can get benefit out of that How we can write our name on visiting card Door , Name plate  which color to be used for making logo and visiting card what are the lucky dates and lucky days in our life..

Signature Analysis

it must cover the important aspect like money e relationship social and professional thing not only a mere a   combination of few  alphabet  we are  at this M  Academy  we provide to you a new modified signature which will suit your current age profession and expectation from life that..

Drawing Analysis

In drawing analysis we ask to draw a picture and that we give them some basic element like mountain, water,  human being, tree,  House, Sun now we ask them to add any element in this Picture from your side. They are free to  delete any element from this list.


Years of Experience

Welcome to M R Deshpande

We are team of expert I am author Counselor and having 12 year Legacy in the field of Coaching we teach all courses like Numerology, Signature analysis, Graphology. Drawing Analysis Mobile Numerology Handwriting Improvement these are the courses available from us if you want to do the the courses please contact to the my official number 7507103175 call me and will discuss duration course , fees , Printed Notes or book and certification, theory and practical. Support during the education after the education we have all about courses in the form of online and offline please contact if you want to do any courses which you feel they are good for you thank you.

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  +91 75071 03175

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सहित काय दडलंय

मित्रहो आपल्या सहित काय दडलंय याचे उत्तर जर तुम्हाला हव असेल तर हा लेख पूर्णपणे वाचा आपल्या सही मध्ये...

मोबाईल न न्युमरोलॉजी

मित्रहो ' अंक आपल्या जीवनावर प्रभाव टाकतात तसेच एखाद्या अंकाचा अभाव आपल्या जीवनामध्ये कमतरता निर्माण करतो . तसेच एखादा अंक...


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